Connecting With Your Grandparents

So we’ve shared plenty of stories of people who have already connected with their grandparents. But if you’re struggling to make that first step, never fear!

We’ve been chatting with Madelyn and Mary who gave grandparents some great advice on how to connect with their grandchildren but we’ve decided to turn it around and get you guys to start the conversation! Here are our top tips for starting a fantastic relationship with your grandparents:

  • Make the time to go with your parents if they are visiting your grandparents.
  • Give them a call or, for your tech-savvy grandparents, text them!
  • If your grandparents are even cooler and have Facebook, connect with them on there! They’ll love that you’ve made the effort and will love talking to you in your world.
  • Feeling old-school? Write them a letter. It’s more personal than Facebook or texting. They’ll really appreciate it.
  • If you play a sport, ask them to come along to the games.
  • Or if you’re into theatre or are in a band, they’d love to go see you perform.
  • Organise a regular lunch or dinner date.

Stuck on things to talk about? We’ll be sharing some ideas in the coming days, so stay tuned!

Get Involved

Do you have more ideas? Let us know in the comments below!

If you have a story you would like to share, email it to us at therealgrandparents[at]gmail[dot]com

Top 10 Pearls of Wisdom from Grandparents

Thanks to Google, advice on anything from makeup to maths to medicines can be found with a click. However, nothing beats the life lessons that only our grandparents can teach us. We’ve made a list of our top 10 and we’ve included some from our readers!

  1. Never say “I can’t”, always say “I’ll try”
  2. Have good manners. They don’t cost a thing and they make a great impression.
  3. Family always comes first.
  4. Don’t be judgemental.
  5. Treat others the way you like to be treated.
  6. Practice makes perfect.
  7. Take time to have fun! And make sure to stop and smell the roses sometimes.
  8. Keep a photo album and not just the one on Facebook!
  9. Remember that it’s never too late for new beginnings.
  10. Never go out with wet hair.

Some of our Facebook followers also shared the best advice given to them by their grandparents

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And the strangest advice?

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Have some to add? Let us know in the comments!